Wednesday, April 23, 2014



I had to Mash up some songs but at the end of the Video, I do some old school dancing cause of cause the classic in the Mash Up is "Show Me Love"

I know I haven't wrote any inspiring posts about my life or anything and there is a reason.  Slowly trying to tone down the internet blogging about My Life and everything and find a new path or trail for Me to blaze.  I have so many friends/fans/supporters that have been there from the start of this journey.

At times I wanted to stop writing because I have shared my Lovers/Money Problems/Deaths/Blog battles so many memories and Youtubes and photos all through the years..Almost 10yrs of memories and I really have to start putting this thing together because this blog has a story to tell.....

I have watched myself on this blog, because I sound like sometimes I repeat myself with the same old issues I already commented on.  I think by now, everybody knows my stance with things and there are sometimes when I have to Break it down with.

I'm not the best writer and somtimes expressing myself on a blog or tweet comes off...What is the word? HARSH..

Anyway, there are so many changes happening in the industry and I don't think there is any room for a Throw Back Porn star that still cares about his Brand and feels a level of Social Responsibility when it comes to his Performances.(That is a Mouth full)

So I wanted to touch base with my Strong supporters that think I'm just floating in the wind. You can say that...But at the sametime I would say I'm finding myself right now and allowing myself to live life again.

Anyway enjoy the Video

Monday, April 14, 2014


Thanks for all the birthday wishes, If you didnt know my birthday was April 11 and I had a great time.  Seeing how all the fans wished Me a Happy Birthday on Facebook/Twitter/Blogger I decided to make this Video during my birthday so I can show a small glimpse into my life with my Bestie Roy Jones..

Enjoy it!!!

More later...