Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Reason why Lack of Posts

Hello my friends...

I guess you can tell I haven't updated the site in a couple of days.  And the reason for that, I was in a Funk and I will explain why....

Here is Me and my New Boosted board....
Its an electric longboard and it has been my means on transportation while cruising in Manhattan. I posted a Couple of Youtubes of Me riding my Longboard through Manhattan and everything..
Check that out here....
Here is when the Boosted board arrived... Here is me skating around Manhattan..

So here is the dilemma, I registered on the waiting list for this board. Which was a 200 fee, then I of course I wanted the top of the line longboard and the extended range battery which came out to a cool $1,600. So on the waiting list for 6 months, finally got confirmation that board is in production. Wait another two weeks for them to finish production, then wait another two weeks for the board to be shipped and finally I received my board without the extended range battery.

Fast forward two months, apparently there were battery issues with the boards shipped between Sept and Nov, and of course my board was on that recall list. But I refused to send in my board because it was working properly.

Fast forward four months, now my board is having battery issues but I'm able to work with it and keep riding but for short distances. Finally the battery gave and I had to go crawling back to Boostedboard for advice.  And that advice was sending the entire board(board, charger, battery pack)back to the company. 

So currently out of $1,700 on a longboard that I don't have currently, without the extended range battery and I have nothing to show for it.

I described the waiting process for this board which was exhausting, but I didn't mention the emotional damage it caused me WAITING every single day for a confirmation letter that my board is ready.  Having to save what little money I have(LOL)and stash it away for the payment of my board.  So currently I'm so exhausted and wasted with the situation ENTIRELY....

Now what does that mean for the blog?

I'm in such a pissy mood lately I didn't think I could write a blog without it sounding mean and harsh or me lashing out at somebody for no apparent reason.  Ugh, so instead I'm pouring out my heart in a post about missing my LongBoard, and the sense of feeling used and left with nothing cause I had to return my board.

Now for the sake of REALITY, I know the board will arrive safely back at the company and they can do a check on the board and find out what the problem is.  So either I expect a refurbished board with a little wear and tear on it, or possibly a whole new board...

But I'm holding my breath on the whole new board thing, mostly likely a refurbished board or my old board back with a new battery pack.

Now I know I should be patient and wait it out, but it seems like ALL I have done is wait and wait on this board and to this day I'm still waiting on it...

Are you seeing this?? I'm obsessing over a Longboard...

And I have no shame because I paid for a product and I don't have anything to show for it.  So am sitting here not letting go the fact that my board is back at the company...

And I'm left with NOTHING....

Moving on.....

So I still owe the viewers another cooking show and that one is the Bake MacNCheese.  Which is the best one because don't we all love some MacNCheese. So I will start editing that Video soon and in the mean time, I have to keep putting content here. So expect me doing things differently and really giving you a taste of what it is like being Me(I guess). 

Retirement is not fun, and I'm still balancing on the fence if I want to do this OnlyFans thing.  OnlyFans is a media platform where people can upload sex Videos and make some money from the content they create.  So its basically model friendly and allows the model to now make his own content without having to go the route of Studio/Website work..

Now while this sounds tempting, I always get the sinking feeling that something more is coming and this is only a stepping stone to something greater.  But the porn models are running to this media and creating content...

So far the talk about OnlyFans hasn't been flattering, the biggest complaint is the low quality and bad editing for the clips.  Most of the clips are IPhone based, so they are alittle grainy and dark and of bad quality.  So the only way to Please consumers is by shooting Studio quality porn and uploading that to OnlyFans.  So far most models don't want to make the investment into creating quality porn and they rely on grainy IPhone footage.  So the question is....

Do I want to make the investment and spend the time to create my own content for Onlyfans?

Right now I don't have an answer to that, but it can done in a way that I'm comfortable with.  But give me time to sort that out.  Right now the focus is on creating content for this blog.  And branching out and doing different things. 

So basically I need to shake this Pissy mood and get back to work with myself.  Stop feeling sorry for myself and rise above the bullshit. I will get my board back, they cant hold it hostage or anything. 

Anyway I wanted to reach and have a quick talk today about what is going on with Me.

Be safe out there People!!

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