Monday, April 04, 2011


Welcome to....

Something New!!

In a race to stay ahead of the rest of the pack of porn stars out there. I decided to join:

Click the link above for a new experience with Diesel Washington. I write alot about myself and people still have questions to ask Me.

I see the formspring(something like that)but it was just a bunch of words again that people take out of content. When you write blogs you have a certain attitude when it comes to your writing. Most people say I write like a 5yr(that was the goal)and it might be too simple for people to read(grammar errors, sentence structure bah)I write my posts to explain myself clearly. Some things I like to keep private and some things/people need to get aired out!!

Well this is your chance to try something different, you get to ask the question and I will answer the questions with a Vid. Very simple, instead of asking question in emails(that flood box everyday)I can give a VID response to question.

I love it:

No more bullshit or trying to duck answers

You get to see the face reactions and hear the Voice

It's direct and I think will open alot of doors when it comes to communication.

Sorry to all the porn stars out there "Who don't have a personality"

Times have changed and fans want to see the whole package. Sure a pretty face and hot body and big dick will get you far. Having a personality is golden when the hotness fades and everybody is over your looks and fuck style. Its your personality that keeps people entertained/informed and fans like their porn stars with personality.

I'm alittle cocky, conceited, aggressive, nut job, and a few other things, but at least some people identify with my craziness and honesty.

Anyway hit me up people!! I want to answer as many questions as possible to get the ball rolling.

Nothing is off the table and I speak about it all!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Diesel, I think this new implement in your blog is fantastic, really in this way you change the approach to the fans. Congratulations for the effort you put in to transform and improve your work.
A big hug from Buenos Aires.

Adrian .-

PDQ said...

This is a great feature and one that I think will be very popular with your fans.

Good job!